Monday, October 27, 2008

Hey, Ho, Let's Go

Wanna hear something sad? I actually love taking my bus in the morning. There are a few reasons.
For one, NO ONE talks in the morning so it's really peaceful... although there is someone I wouldn't mind to hear speak more often. Another thing.. Busboy rides the bus, praise Allah. He's the only reason I actually get on my bus on time... Who me? I'M not a loser...
My biggest reason, though. The MUSIC. I get an hour to just chill and listen to the music I actually like, not all that commercial crap my friends are obsessed with. R.M.- real music.
I have sort of a.. a bus playlist, I guess you could call it. It goes something like this:
Nirvana- I'm not naming songs because I usually listen to almost all the nirvana songs on my ipod- and i have 85.
Black Hole Sun (Soundgarden)
Sheena Is A Punk Rocker, I wanna be sedated, Blitzkrieg Bop, the KKK Took My Baby Away, etc (The Ramones)
Green Day- i'll just go by my favorite albums: Dookie, Kerplunk!, Insomniac, Nimrod, and, I have to say, American Idiot, but only because of Jesus Of Suburbia

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


So where do I start?

I guess I should tell a little about myself. I love to sing, hang with friends, write, read, and go to the dentist. I honestly love the dentist.

So, what is the point of this blog? This isn't a rhetorical question, might I add. I don't know what I'm doing. I hope someone figures it out eventually.
Maybe I want to understand myself? Or maybe I want you to understand me. Or maybe I just want the attention. I don't know. But I hope I will.
